Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 24

Recommit and Reconnect to Love Day 24
The best relationships are not based or built on sex, but positive sexual intimacy is a very important part of a thriving relationship. In the beginning of your relationship the sex was probably steamy hot. More than likely you could not get enough of each other, spending countless hours, or even days in some cases, in bed together. Clearly that may not be pragmatic now, but physical intimacy, yes SEX, is a very important part of your relationship.
As we mentioned in a previous challenge, sex can become monotonous, or even boring, and for some it can just be too much trouble. Perhaps you allowed your sex life to fall into the rut of doing the same thing week after week, and the sizzle has totally fizzled. For Day 24 our challenge is to rekindle the fire that can ignite passion.
For this challenge you will need nothing at all because you will be naked. Stand and look into each other’s eyes for two minutes, longer if you can, holding hands. No touching, no kissing, nothing at all just look at each other and feel the connection. Some say the eyes are the window to the soul and when you can see each other this way, your souls speak to each other.
Now it is time to move to the bed. As interesting as this might seem, we don’t want you to have sex. We want you to take turns exploring each other’s bodies using only your hands. Start at the head and work all the way down to the feet. Turn them over and go back up. Avoid any sexual contact at this time. The receiving partner should close their eyes and fully experience the gentle touch of hands slowly moving over them. Let your partner know if they touch a place on your body (other than the genitals, which are to be avoided) that arouses you. Then you will switch places. If you like, you can introduce a blindfold into this scenario so the partner being touched can have sensory deprivation to anything but your touch. After you both complete this exercise, you will probably want to make love. Go for it!

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