Recommit and Reconnect to Love – Day 28

Recommit and Reconnect to Love Day 28
You probably have friends who socialize with you. Perhaps it is the neighbors, people from work, or other couples, or individuals, you have known for ages. How do you treat your partner when you are around other couples? How do you treat him in front of your families? Do you insult them or degrade them? Do you try to diminish them in some way? How do you react if someone says something negative about him in front of you? Do you defend him or agree with them? If you have done this in the past, it is time to stop. Negative talk about your partner, to your friends, his friends or either of your families, hurts the relationship. Furthermore, it is just not nice.
Today’s challenge is all about how you treat your partner in public, with those who you both know. If you are not able to organize a dinner or other celebration with friends or family for today, please make this a priority for the next few days. While you are all together make it a point to lift him up in front of others. Compliment him. Tell others how much you appreciate the things he does for you. Be specific and give details. If anyone begins to say anything negative or depreciate him in some way, head them off at the pass before the words come out of their mouth. Re-establishing respect for your partner, if it has waned, is a good exercise for both of you.

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