Red, Blue & Rainbow

Angela Levesque is health educator, writer, exercise physiologist and energy healer. She hosts 2 weekly online radio shows on Angela teaches several classes on self-care, meditation & weight loss. Visit for more information. Follow on and
The Cost of Same-Sex Marriage Bans
Published by TakePart
70,000 gay couples in the U.S. are currently married, and 90,000 have entered civil unions or domestic partnerships. But the cold hard truth is that throughout the U.S., gays and lesbians remain unable to enter into a legally recognized relationship with the person they love. And even in states that have legalized gay marriage, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by President Clinton in 1996 prevents the federal government from recognizing those unions. Our latest infographic shows exactly how same-sex marriage bans are bad for gay and lesbian couples — and the government. Check out The Cost of Same-Sex Marriage Bans, and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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