The Soulmate Couples Secret

Soulmate couples share something that other couples do not. Do you know what it is?
The Secret That Soulmate Couples Share
“A soulmate is someone you can completely be yourself with. Someone with whom you share unconditional love and when you look into each other’s eyes, you know that you are home.” ~ Arielle Ford
We, humans, are “social beings” and when we get to spend our life with someone who is our lover, best friend, and partner for life, happiness abounds.
I know this from personal experience because even though I had an amazing life, wonderful friends, and a very successful career, at 43 I found myself still single and less fulfilled than I wanted to be.
That’s when I decided to see if all the manifestation tools and techniques I had successfully used in my business would work in my love life. And shortly thereafter I met and married my soulmate, Brian.
Meeting and being loved by my soulmate is an experience that transformed my life so profoundly, I eventually made it my mission to help others do the same. And I am compelled to help people recognize soulmate love as an absolutely essential ingredient to living a juicy and delicious life.
You see, soulmate couples have a secret they rarely speak about: they feel fortunate to no longer have to search for true love because they are living it every day. They realize how blessed they are to be spending their days in the embrace of their best friend, lover and sacred partner. Rather than brag, or shout it from the rooftops, they quietly relish their relationship and give thanks, from a deep place of gratitude, that they have another day to spend together.
Now that’s not to say if you’re not with your soulmate that you can’t have all the makings of a great life—a fulfilling career, a beautiful home, exciting adventures and so on. In fact, you can have all those things and more.
The point is the satisfaction you get from your greatest life experiences will deepen ten-fold with your soulmate by your side.
Soulmate relationships are intense, loving communions that have an almost divine quality to them. The soulmate couples I’ve met choose to live with honesty, transparency, deeper love, devotion, openness, vulnerability and trust. My husband, Brian Hilliard, explains it this way, “In a soulmate relationship one plus one does not equal two, it equals 11. The love generated in this equation is a gift to the soulmate couple and to the world at large.”
But you don’t have to take our word for it. We’ve asked other soulmate couples we know what life is like for them.
“There is a total and utter richness that exists in being with one’s soulmate. It is utopia.” ~ Carla Picardi, author of The World According To You!
“I am experiencing a ‘full contentment’ I have never known. A relationship such as this does not happen TO someone, it happens WITH someone who is truly willing to cross the terror barrier of self-disclosure again and again to find that place of true connection.” ~ Mary Morrissey, author of Building Your Field of Dreams
“Being a soulmate couple is a divine dance of both witnessing and also being witnessed, celebrating and also being celebrated. It’s that deep spiritual connection, unwavering acceptance and knowing that someone is always there to cover your back and will be with you no matter how bad a day you’re having.” ~ Jay Vogt and Stephanie Bennett Vogt, author of Your Spacious Self: Clear Your Clutter and Discover Who You Are
Are soulmate relationships always blissful? No, of course not. Like all relationships, soulmate unions require time, energy, and attention. As Otto and Susie Collins so eloquently put it, “They require conscious effort to keep the relationship vibrant, alive and juicy.”
Despite the occasional upset, argument or breakdown, soulmates are committed to working through the issues with honesty and transparency, knowing that the foundation for their love is strong enough to weather the storm.
This is why the world needs soulmate couples to find each other—as many as possible, and as soon as possible. It is a surefire way to fill our planet with more happiness and love. And it’s an ingredient that cannot be left out of your recipe for a delicious dream life.
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About the Author
Arielle believes that finding true love is possible for anyone, at any age, and she points to herself as living proof. She is the author of eight books including the international bestselling The Soulmate Secret: How To Manifest The Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction and Wabi Sabi Love.
Arielle believes that finding true love is possible for anyone, at any age, and she points to herself as living proof. Married for the first time at age 44, she expanded on the set of skills that she used to launch her highly successful Public Relations firm, The Ford Group, and applied them to her love life. Arielle is the creator of The Soulmate Secret 7-week Interactive Online Course, which has supported many thousands of people around the globe in manifesting the love of their life. She is the author of eight books including the international bestselling The Soulmate Secret: How To Manifest The Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction and Wabi Sabi Love. Arielle lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband, Brian Hilliard and their feline friends.
Hello, I am in soul mate relationship. My husband (French man) and I (Spanish woman) compliment each other in every possible way and our relation has always been loving, respectful, intimate, fulfilling. I never had a doubt that we were soul mates. I met him when I travelled to work in England, I was 22,and we married six years later. We have been married for over ten happy years. I consider myself very lucky to share my life with such wonderful man. We have lived in England, Qatar, Egypt, and now, in September, we moved to Kenya. We have two amazing children.
However, two years ago, by chance in Egypt (where I have lived from 2008 till summer 2014) , I met whom I believe is my twin soul, and the connection was immediate. I did not have a relationship with this man, but it was very clear that there was a very intense energy between us. Sometimes too intense… However I did my best to stay faithful and loyal to my soul mate husband and thankfully this Egyptian man, my twin flame, was also very respectful and polite. Avoiding a physical relationship was possible, but my heart betrayed me and I could not stop myself from loving him, I though of him every day and every nigh. I often had very vivid dreams about him, in which there was a ray of light coming out of him, and penetrating my chest.
Last summer we left Egypt, and I had to say good bye to him. It was painful and hard, and we have stayed in contact via facebook, but he has his life to pursue and I have mine to protect. It is obvious that there is nothing between us, nothing physical I mean, but a deep love. The kind of love that whishes’ him happiness even though I know tha it will never be with me.
On the other hand, this feeling of longing is causing me much suffering. I am blocked and I want to let go, but cant. I want to get back to the time before I met my twin flame, when I cherished my soul mate relationship and didn’t think there could be another kind of love. I feel blocked and I cant let go. Please advice…
I was blessed to have my soul mate for 31 years, before God called him home. And for the remainder of my time here on earth, after 6 1/2 years, I am walking around with half of me missing~
While what is described here can, and often does happen with soulmates, what is being described as the soulmate connection sounds more like a true twin flame connection. A person can have many soulmates in life, they come inot and out of your life, as friends, lovers, even family. Soulmates can be, and often are, your best friends in life, a coworker you’ve been partner with for years because you work together really well, as well as sometimes being the one romantic partner that you seemed to be with the longest before it faded away.But, almost all soulmate relationships come and go in life. As soulmates are meant to teach us things we need to know and then move on.
A twin flame connection is very similar to a soulmate connection, but it is profoundly intensified. Have you ever met or known a couple who were so perfect for one another, who loved it other so deeply that their joy and love was a palpable thing to behold? That you felt the intensity of their connection just being in the same room, or even in the same building as them? That is the power of a twin flame connection.
Where soulmates are kindred spirits, twin flames are the same soul, twin flames each carry the same essence, the same flame of life, of creation within their very core of existence. They literally are two halves of the same spiritual core essence, and once they are united, that connection can never be broken. Nor should it be.
That kind of connection is what we all dream of, whether we realize it or not. It is what we all long for, and desire to see manifest in our life with our romantic partner. Because it is so beautiful, so profound, and can, given the chance, change the world. It is divine, it is intense, it is life altering, it is the absolute best kind of love one can ever wish to manifest in their life.
what do you do when you finally meet your soulmate…and they die?
haha, that’s kind of a morbid view. You don’t want to create any self fulfilling prophecies. Treasure every minute with your lover while you’re together.
Unfortunately Twin Flame relationships are extremely rare and more often than not do not happen for various reasons. One of them being is they rarely incarnate with you at the same time. This is where soul mate connections come in. Some soul mate connections last both of your entire lifetimes. They don’t always sift in and out.
Tyler.. it already happened. .. i am now lost and alone here…
Are we talking soul mates or twin flames here? Much of what is described in this article would relate more to twin flames. However, a twin flame relationship is not always blissful. You don’t always feel like you’ve found the one and you might not even be aware.
A soul mate is simply someone you share a soul source with. Your best friend can be a soul mate, so can your dog. Romantic love has nothing to do with it. It’s about a soul connection because you come from the same place, a soul family if you choose.
If you meet your soul mate and they die, there are others out there. Soul mate is never a one time deal. Twin flame is. A twin flame is literally your other half. When the soul that becomes you is created you are split and go separate ways. Some times you come back together, sometimes not. A soul mate though, awesome relationship, but you can have many.
It’s sad, but you can find another. A soul mate is not just one person and that’s it. Your dog or cat can be a soul mate. Soul mate means you originate from the same soul source or soul family, so there will be many of you existing at the same time and different times. Anyone you feel a strange connection with that you can’t explain would probably be a soul mate.
yes … that may occur .. in the mean time I’m carrying his baby … alone .. and I struggle to understand …