Simple Steps to Improve Your Life – Day 1

Skills to How to Improve Your Life Day 1
By Cristina Smith
A Day of Gratitude
I am grateful you have decided to be a part of the 30 day Challenge. Thank you! We are starting off by appreciating where we are.
What if where you are in your life right now is okay, perhaps even perfect, as it is? That at this very second, you are where you need to be, doing what you need to be doing. Sit with that for a moment.
Now, write this down, preferably on a piece a paper. “I am grateful for my life as it is right now.”
How does that feel? What opinions do you have about that statement?
Write down those feelings and opinions, every single one of them.
Most of us have circumstances in our lives that we see as obstacles. From chronic pain, to not enough time to yourself, to difficult relationships, to tough financial conditions, there are definitely things that we want to change in our lives. Yes, they are obstacles at this time. However, this exercise is a simple step you can take today to help shift your life to where you want it to be.
Now turn the page or start a new document.
The Practice:
Today, spend all of your waking hours recording what you are grateful for in your life. From your family, to your healthy fingernails, to your favorite book, to your excellent internet speed, to your running car, to your home, to your pet, to the beauty of a flower, to your favorite songs, to having enough money to pay your rent, to waking up each day, to your favorite restaurant…go ahead and list it all. Make this list as long as you possibly can.

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