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Simple Steps to Improve Your Life – Day 19

Simple Steps to Improve Your Life – Day 19

Simple Steps to Improve Your Life Day 19

Life Improvement:

Ask for Help 

Most of us are caring people and want to help others as much as possible. That’s why we are doing this 30 day program- so we can improve our lives so we can be better able to help make this planet a better place.

Many of us are in the habit making help a one way experience. We are so giving and caring that it is easy for ask for help though for some reason we feel guilty or inadequate if we ask for help.

The Practice:

Ask someone to help you.

It doesn’t have to be something big- you could say that you do want help out at the grocery store, or your child to help you out by putting something away.

See Also

The Benefit:

Do you enjoy being helpful? You are giving someone the benefit of helping you, which many people really enjoy doing. You are doing a great service by keeping the helpful energy flowing by becoming as good at receiving as you are at giving!

©2013 Cristina Smith. All rights

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