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Spiritual Healing – Day 14

Spiritual Healing – Day 14

Spiritual Healing Day 14

Week 2 Day 7


Manifest your dreams…….


Hello all ! Let’s move into this new journey of creation and manifestation with


our ‘crystal  buddy’.  Crystals actually become like best friends keeping you positive, safe and protected.

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The more you align with them, the more they resonate positivity in your life.

Quartz   Crystals can be used to clear and activate the energy centres of the body,   attuning well to the heart chakra and working very well at the third eye. It   aids greatly in purifying the physical, mental and spiritual bodies. A healer   of negativity associated with ones perspectives and judgments, it can be used   to look at the inner negativity and stimulate positive thoughts. It helps one   to redirect ones materialistic energies towards the Spiritual realm.

Quartz energizes the energy field in the location where it resides. It can   produce a healing force field of negative ions while clearing positive ions   from the air, and cancels the harmful effects of radiation/radioactivity. A   single quartz crystal, carried on one or placed in ones environment will help   maintain balance, energy and protection. Whether carried or placed somewhere,   the ‘force’ of the crystal stays attuned to the one to whom it is connected. Manifestation crystals are helpful in manifesting creativity or any positive   aspect from within oneself. They can bring you in touch with Spirit. Promotes   self-esteem and can help those who have become withdrawn from traumatic   events. The Twin quartz crystal is formed when two or more individual crystals grow   alongside each other in parallel alignment.

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