Spiritual Healing – Day 16

Spiritual Healing Day 16
Hi all ! Welcome back to the Day 2 of this beautiful cosmic healing practice. Yes Reiki !
Isn’t it special, unique and so healing ……..Well, today I will be initiating you to reiki symbol
‘Cho Ku Rei’, this sacred symbol is to be used for activation and initiation of this ‘divine healing energy’.
I was taught the Cho Ku Rei symbol drawn from left-to-right as I have posted here. Cho Ku Rei is explained as: “Cho” (curved sword, curving movement) “cuts through” in a movement from left to right. The second movement “ku” (penetrating) is downward representing moving into or penetrating into. The third movement is a counterclockwise motion into “rei” (spirit or soul) of three inwardly spiraling circles ending at the left of the downward penetrating stroke . I was taught that the counterclockwise movement breaks open or opens up an area. Cho Ku Rei is for cutting through external conditions in order to reach into the center, the essence, the spirit, the soul, and allow wholeness to manifest, to come to light. Cho Ku Rei opens a window of formless energy for the Reiki life force energy to flow through. Cho Ku Rei is an empowerment symbol in the sense that it creates the space for the power of Reiki to enter and increase or manifest.
Energy follows intent. You do not have to force Reiki; just allow it. Following is a suggested way to use the symbol in your treatment.

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