Spiritual Healing – Day 16

To use the first symbol, Cho Ku Rei, draw the symbol with a flat hand, fingers together, about an inch above the body. Draw the symbol once and say its name in your mind, not aloud, three times. Visualize the symbol in violet as you are drawing it and saying it to yourself. Remember to contract the Hui Yin point and place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth to ensure an open channel for energy in your body throughout the treatment. Then place your hands in the first position on the body. Leave your hands in each position for between approximately five to fifteen minutes.
The Cho Ku Rei symbol may be used anywhere and anytime to increase the power of your Reiki or your good intentions and good thoughts.
For further information on the usage of this symbol you can rush in your queries atsunandasharma2011@gmail.com or visit www.sunandatarot.com

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