Spiritual Healing – Day 4

Spiritual Healing Day 4
Today we will be discussing the ‘Health Benefits’ of Meditation. Infact there are innumerable benefits , I have listed a few of them. It is not necessary that everyone will have similar response post meditation.
Some will find a miraculous change in their body, some will experience gradual shift and there are others who may report very mild change or even nothing. Not to really worry about, everybody resonates a different frequency and so will be the effects on their body. Even than honestly I can vouch that meditation is definitely a ‘blessing in disguise’.
The next time you tune out and switch off and let yourself melt, remind yourself of all the good work the relaxation effect is doing on your body. These are just some of the scientifically proven benefits …
Relaxation appears to boost immunity in recovering cancer patients. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practised daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumours and to viruses.
A study at the University of Western Australia found that women are more likely to conceive during periods when they are relaxed rather than stressed. A study at Trakya University, in Turkey, also found that stress reduces sperm count and motility, suggesting relaxation may also boost male fertility.
Irritable bowel syndrome
When patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome began practising a relaxation meditation twice daily, their symptoms of bloating, diarrhoea and constipation improved significantly. The meditation was so effective the researchers at the State University of New York recommended it as an effective treatment.

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