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Spiritual Healing – Day 6

Spiritual Healing – Day 6

Spiritual Healing Day 6

Week 1  Day 6

As you hit the ‘week end’, I am sure you all want to unwind , after 5 days of hectic work life, whether it is office or house  work,  some real ‘relaxation’ is called for … I right ?

So today we will get  ‘Guided’ by ‘Visuals’….breathtaking and creatively crafted. Are you excited ?

Lets get the ball rolling………

Today’s journey is  all about  Imagination. The kinds that gives your senses a real ‘High’.

I came across Dr Miller’s fantastic ‘guided imagery exercise’ which I am sharing with you.

How Guided imagery Works – the Mind-Body Connection

See Also

The thoughts that pass through your mind create internal images that, to your body and nervous system, are indistinguishable from actual physical reality. Create a positive inner image (of your body, health, or performance), and the deeper levels of your mind (subconscious) make it come true!

Here is an example of how Guided Imagery audio meditations can enable you to control normally involuntary processes. Say to yourself, “salivate!” You can’t – the act of salivation is not a conscious one. Now try this:

Imagine a lemon. Imagine you are holding the lemon in your hand. Visualize it clearly in your mind. You can see its color, feel its bumpy surface, and see the stem. Imagine that you drop it on a wooden table and hear the sound it makes. Imagine you have a very sharp knife and are cutting the lemon in two. See the cut surfaces glistening and notice that you have even cut one of the seeds in half. Now visualize a sparkling clean glass and squeeze the juice from one of those halves into the glass. See it run down the side of the glass.

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