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Spiritual Healing – Day 9

Spiritual Healing – Day 9

Wand Attunement:

Spend some time with your ‘magic wand’, enjoy it’s presence in your life. The better you know your wand, the more effectively it will work for you. You can hold it while you meditate, or just sit holding it and feeling its shape, texture, and weight, and visually examining it to familiarize yourself with any patterns or changes in color it may have. You can also sleep with your wand, or even take a bath with it. Spending time with your wand will not only help to you become attuned to it, but you will also be receiving its healing energies at the same time.

Wand Programming:

This is an important aspect of ‘using your wand’. Best way to my knowledge is

hold it in your hand and ask the universe to flow its cosmic energy through it .

You can use these affirmations :

‘I request  divine, universal energies to flow through my wand’.

‘I request the universe to help me to heal (name the area which needs healing)

my body ( or if you are doing for some one else, name of the person)  and release all the pain from my body (body part)’.

You can also use the healing mantra called the ‘Sanjivini mantra’ or ‘Mahamrityunjaya  mantra’, also called the great Death Conquering Mantra.

o? tryambaka? yaj?mahe sugandhi? pu??i-vardhana?

See Also

urv?rukam iva bandhan?n m?tyormuk??ya m?m?t?t


Word to Word meaning of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra:-

  • o? =      is a sacred/mystical syllable in Sanatan Dharma or Indian religions, i.e.      Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism,[3]
  • tryambakam = the three-eyed one (accusative case),
  • yaj?mahe =      We worship, adore, honour, revere,
  • sugandhim = sweet smelling, fragrant (accusative case),
  • pu??i = A      well-nourished condition, thriving, prosperous, fullness of life,
  • vardhanam = One who nourishes, strengthens, causes to      increase (in health, wealth, well-being); who gladdens, exhilarates, and      restores health; a good gardener,
  • urv?rukamiva =      like the pumpkin <a kind of Indian vegetable> (in the      accusative case),

Note:- urv?rukam: ‘urva’ means “vishal” or big and powerful or deadly. ‘arukam’ means ‘disease’. Thus urv?rukam means deadly and overpowering diseases. (The pumpkin interpretation given in various places is also correct for the word urv?rukam, but not apt for this mantra). The diseases are also of three kinds caused by the influence (in the negative) of the three gu?as and are ignorance (avidy?), falsehood (asat, as even though Vishnu is everywhere, we fail to perceive Him and are guided by our sight and other senses) and weaknesses (?a?ripu, a constraint of this physical body and Shiva is all powerful).

  • bandhan?n = “from captivity” {i.e. from the stem of      the cucumber} (of the gourd); (the ending is actually long a      then -d which changes to n/anusvara because of sandhi)Note:- bandhan?n: means bound down. Thus      read with urv?rukam iva, it means ‘I am      bound down just as by deadly and overpowering diseases’.
  • m?tyormuk??ya = Free, liberate From death
  • m?m?t?t = (give)      me immortality, emancipation


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