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The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 19

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 19

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious Day 19

Q is for Quantum

Sometimes during a Quantum Consciousness (QC) session such as Holographic Emergence™, the recipient will temporarily get dizzy, wobbly, or slightly disoriented.

Believe it or not, this is a good thing!

It’s a result of the QC practitioner accessing a particular state of consciousness — which we’re learning about in these ABC’s — and facilitating immediate changes.

The slight sense of disorientation is a sign that a “quantum” shift is occurring.

Let’s Look with Quantum Eyes

It’s not clear that anyone knows for sure what’s going on but this quote from Deepak Chopra’s fascinating bookThe Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire is a good starting point:

“So it is only in our consciousness that our limited senses create a solid world out of pure energy and information.

But what if we could see into the quantum domain — if we had “quantum eyes”?

See Also

In the quantum domain, we would see that everything we think of as solid in the physical world is actuallyflickering in and out of an infinite void at the speed of light.

Just like the frame-and-gap sequence of a motion picture, the universe is an on-off phenomenon.

The continuity and solidity of the world exists only in the imagination, fed by senses that cannot discern the waves of energy and information that make up the quantum level of existence.

In reality, we are all flickering in and out of existence all the time. If we could fine-tune our senses, we could actually see the gaps in our existence. We are here, and then not here, and then here again. The sense of continuity is held only by our memories.”

~ Deepak Chopra:  The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire Don’t you love that?! Isn’t it wild?!

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