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The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 2

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 2


The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious Day 2

Actively Being Conscious or ABC


We’re going to start with the acronym for Actively Being Conscious (i.e. ABC), plus two quick and easy activities for you to do today.


Let’s get started.


A is for Actively


This is significant.


This challenge requires that you do it actively, not passively. Some part of you must manage to take initiative every single day. You have to decide to periodically wake yourself up from whatever you’re “doing” to read (or listen to or watch) the daily challenge and then apply it, often more than once.


If you approach it passively, you won’t get results … almost guaranteed.


B is for Being


This is one of the most important concepts and practices ever.


Take a moment — right now — to stop. Just stop. Don’t do anything. After reading this sentence, just close your eyes and BE.


See Also

Did you do it? That’s what I mean. Not doing; just being.


And experiencing … and noticing that you are being.


“Close both eyes to see with the other eye.” ~Rumi


Many of the daily challenges will require that you can quiet yourself like this, and sometimes focus inward like this, too. If you like a lot of stimulation and a lot of external activity, then this challenge is probably not for you. (Or maybe it’s especially for you!)


Being might sound too simple for you to be intrigued, but don’t fool yourself: Fully experiencing your existence can be rich and profound.

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