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The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 4

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 4

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 4


By Patti Foy

ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious: B is for Believe (Not!)


Do you believe? In something? In anything?


“Believe!” seems to be a popular maxim these days.


But let’s think about it a minute. What is a belief?

It’s something that one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction.

Yes, firmly held.

See Also

There was a time when it was a commonly held belief that the world was flat. People felt they “knew” this. But was it true? We know now that it wasn’t, contrary to all evidence.

Is this computer screen you’re looking at solid? Not really. It’s composed of much more space than solid matter. In fact, it’s up for grabs whether anything solid actually even exists at all.

A lot of people don’t believe in psychic phenomena, or energy healing, even in the face of proof. So even if they experience it, they’ll write it off as something else. Do you see how they are limiting their experience of life? And limiting their options?


And we actively reinforce our beliefs. It’s human nature to look for proof of what we already believe. How many politically active people do you know who read the columns of those on the other side of the fence, with an open mind? Typically, we read or listen to those whom we’re already in agreement with, to reinforce our “proof” that our point of view is correct.

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