The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 4

What if we allow this moment to speak for itself, without any restrictions? And if we must believe, then let’s at least allow for some free play.
Catch yourself whenever you think or say or write “I believe …”.
Or notice if certain reactions or actions you take are based on a belief.
If you do spot a belief, be aware that at some level you are choosing that belief. Is that belief helping you? Is it limiting you?
Are you still open to ideas that might not fit that belief?
If so, take a moment to see if you can loosen its hold on you.
Instead of “I believe …”, say to yourself:
¨ “I choose to think …”
¨ “It’s possible (or probable) that …”
¨ “I choose to act as if … ”
¨ “I theorize that … ”
¨ “Right now, it seems to me that … ”
¨ “This isn’t serving me or anyone. Maybe it’s possible that …”
Any of these will help you be open in the moment. You’ll be willing to be proven wrong.
And best of all, you’ll be willing and able to see something new.
Do you find this idea offensive? Do you believe in belief? Can you see the value in opening your beliefs even a crack? We’d love to hear and discuss!
See you tomorrow!
Patti Foy is a natural catalyst and has been facilitating positive and transformational change for clients world-wide since 1997. She gets down-to-earth, practical results by working at the level of energy and consciousness, and blogs about it at her site Lightspirited Being so you can, too!

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality