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The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 8

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 8

ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 8

F is for Focus

So, yesterday we talked about Eagle Eyes and expanding our attention out past what we might normally notice.

And remember in the ABC post, we talked about what you can think of as two axes of awareness, vertical and horizontal, or depth and breadth?

Well, Eagle Eyes increases your breadth, and focus is definitely one of the better tools for increasing your depth.

Now here’s something kind of funny, which happens to also be a great example of focus. In considering what to say about focus, I was aware of all the practices that are available to helpimprove our skills in focusing — meditation being one of the most powerful of all, by the way.

I also became aware of a lot of ways to apply focus in order to actively be conscious.

And as I suddenly felt overwhelmed with so much to tell you, I had to laugh. In my head, I was expanding my options, not focusing on one!

Expansion is wonderful, but without the ability to also focus, we end up with a sort of spiritual ADD, right? Bouncing around all over the place without settling long enough to really experience something fully.

See Also

So let’s focus on just one way of focusing. This one’s especially useful when you become overwhelmed. It’s what I did, what I applied, after realizing I was expanding out into all the possible topics related to focus and I wanted to reel myself in.


Focus “Inside”

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