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The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 8

The ABC’s of Actively Being Conscious – Day 8

See you tomorrow!

Patti Foy is a natural catalyst and has been facilitating positive and transformational change for clients world-wide since 1997. She gets down-to-earth, practical results by working at the level of energy and consciousness, and blogs about it at her site Lightspirited Being so you can, too!

Patti is the developer of Holographic Emergence™, a Quantum Consciousness technology. VisitLightspirited Being to access all of her empowering services (Holographic Emergence™, Vedic Astrology, Channeling, and Animal Communication). While you’re there, be sure to get your free download: Emergence Primer + Tune-Up Session, and follow Patti on Twitter and Lightspirited Being on Facebook.

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