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The Healing Mantra

The Healing Mantra

by Sunanda Sharma

These are times of intense shifts and unwanted stress. What is the elixir to alleviate it? Are medicines the right way to go? Just pop in an anti stress pill and you are done for the day or could there be a better proposition. What about alternative healing therapy? Does it strike a chord? In fact, there’s no better way than ‘alternative therapy’ to release stress, anxiety, and symptomatic discomfort.

What are alternative medicines? These are different healing therapies which work on healing one’s emotions. Every dis-ease first hits our ‘emotional being’…and then gradually manifests itself as a physical problem. But thanks to healing therapy, it works its way through the emotions and harmonizes the imbalance created.

There are different modes of healing like ‘massage therapy’, ‘reiki’, ‘mantra chanting’, ‘acupressure’, ‘acupuncture’, ‘color therapy’, ‘sound therapy’ etc. A lot has been written about these therapy methods. Let’s specifically talk about ‘mantra healing’.

What exactly is a ‘Mantra’? Mantras are Vedic in origin. The teachings of the Vedas consist of various Mantric chants or hymns cognized by different seers or Rishis from the Cosmic Mind. Since the Vedas are impersonal and eternal, the exact historical date of the origin of Mantra chanting is hard to arrive at. For example, every Mantra in the Vedas, Upanishads and various religious traditions (sampradayas) within Hindu religion begin with Om or Aum – the primordial sound, the sound that is said to have its origins at the time of the creation of the cosmos – also referred to as the ‘Big Bang’.

The sacred utterances or chanting of Sanskrit Mantras provide us with the power to attain our goals and lift ourselves from the ordinary to the higher level of consciousness. They give us the power to cure diseases; ward off evils; gain wealth; worship a deity for exalted communion and for attaining a blissful state and attain liberation.

The great mantra dedicated to Shiva, Mrityunjaya, is found in the Rig Veda, the Great death conquering mantra. It is a mantra that has many names and forms. It is also called the Rudra mantra, referring to the three eyes of Lord Shiva and it is also sometimes called the ‘Maha Mrityunjaya mantra’. Sometimes also called the ‘Sanjivni mantra’, because it is a component of the ‘life- restoring’ practice given to the primordial sage Shukra after he had completed an exhausting period of austerity.

The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is hailed by the sages as the heart of the Veda. Along with the Gayatri mantra it holds the highest place among the many mantras used for contemplation and meditation.

The mantra is :

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OM. Tryambakam yajamahe Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam Urvarukamiva bandhanan Mrityor mukshiya mamritat Chanting of this mantra 11 times daily can bring healing to the person concerned. It’s blissful impact slowly melts into your soul and enhances or activates the ‘self healing’ energy of the cells of the body. Chant it and attain peaceful communion with your ‘inner healer’.


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Sunanda Sharma is a Tarot Card reader, professional psyche, life coach and author.  Connect with her at:

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