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The Secret You’ve Been Searching for Your Entire Life

The Secret You’ve Been Searching for Your Entire Life

by Neale Donald Walsch

Everyone has, at one time or another, experienced moments of profound connection to the deepest parts of who they truly are. These are moments when we feel at ease with ourselves, time seems to fly, and we are at complete peace with our lives. Perhaps we can call these moments “being in alignment with our soul.”

But the frustration for a lot of people is that these moments don’t last. They come, they go, and you can’t make them happen. So many people wish they could experience more of these moments and live each day in that perfect flow. Most of us want to feel a deeper connection in all areas of our lives—our work, our home-life, our relationships, our bodies, and our relationship with the Divine.

In our less-than-successful attempts to create this deeper connection, we often end up sidetracked, pouring our energy into “superficial” goals, such as the better job, the better partner, or the new car. None of which really help us get there.

At times we see other people who seem to be experiencing the kind of success we’re aiming for. They seem to be fulfilled and doing what they love. So we keep trying different things to duplicate their success, but we don’t have that soul-nurturing experience we know we want in our lives. We are still left with the feeling that there’s something grander that wants to emerge from within us. This is perhaps why we keep trying to change what we do, where we live and what we own. However, living your life to the fullest and experiencing a deep connection to your true self has nothing to do with the exterior events and circumstance of one’s day to day experience.

In fact, it has been my observation that 98% of the world’s people are spending 98% of their time on things that don’t matter. That is, people don’t do things that don’t matter because they don’t care. They do things that don’t matter because they are really not clear how to get to where they really want to go and to what really does matter. The only instructions they’ve had are those that they’ve gotten from society, culture, and to some degree, from parents and peers.

We’re taking instructions and getting directions from people who’ve never even been to where we want to go.

We want to go to someplace new, to someplace special, to someplace grander than we’ve ever been to before. Individually, people are feeling this their entire lives. Not only do they want their earthly talents more fully expressed and their inner creativity more completely realized, but they also want their Divine nature more absolutely understood and expressed and experienced as well.

The great secret, the incredible treasure of understanding is, that when we begin to create a life that is an expression and connection with our truest self, or our soul, all these other things take care of themselves.

The parenting suddenly goes more smoothly. The career suddenly blossoms. The financial situation suddenly clears up. The relationship becomes the most glorious and blissful experience we could ever have imagined.

These things show up in our life not because we’re trying to get life to bring them to us, but because we have decided what we’re really doing on the planet, which is to express and to experience every aspect of Divinity that flows through us, and to do so in such a way that everyone else whose life we touch is offered an opportunity, an invitation, to do the same thing.

And that is the secret you’ve been searching for your entire life – how to be deeply connected to your soul and therefore create a life that’s an expression of your truest self.

Announcing “The One Secret To Finding What You’ve Been Searching For Your Entire Life”

Living From Your SoulA Free Global Event with Neale Donald Walsch

During this ground-breaking seminar event, Neale will share with you the secret to connecting with your soul and transforming your life into a complete and constant expression of who you truly are.

He will guide you, step by step through his simple but powerful process, based on the most important insights he’s received since he wrote Book One of Conversations with God.

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Thursday, July 11th 5:00 PM PT * 7:00 PM CT * 8:00 PM ET

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About Neale Donald Walsch:

Neale Donald Walsch is the bestselling author of the Conversations with God series of books, which have been translated into 37 languages, touching millions of lives around the world. Neale’s work has taken him from the steps of Macchu Picchu in Peru to the Shinto shrines of Japan; from Red Square in Moscow to Tiananmen Square in China; from South Africa to Norway, Croatia to The Netherlands, the mountains of Switzerland to the streets of Seoul, Korea, and everywhere he has gone he has found a hunger among the people to find a new way to live in peace and harmony. His latest book is called The Only Thing That Matters. He lives in Southern, Oregon, with his wife Em.

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