The Summer of Water is Here: Astrology Forecast for June 17-23, 2013
Wednesday: Good, good, good, good vibrations rock the day, all grounded in the here and now as well as the ethers. In a way, you are living in heaven on earth. Consciously adopt that perspective and watch it come true. If any “this is too good to be true” doubts pop up, crank up the music and dance.
Thursday: This may be the loveliest day of the month. The water’s fine and warm and inviting, and you may be in it before you know it! It’s comforting, soothing and nourishing, like a well-worn blankie or favorite stuffed animal from childhood. It’s filled with pleasant company (pool party!) and congenial conversation. The water is so soothing and safe and cushy that it loosens tongues and causes loving, caring sentiments to flow. The Moon goes void of course at 3:17 PM EDT until 4:31 AM tomorrow. There’s no reason to get out of the water when the sun sets. There’s a heater, plenty of nourishment and lots of talk to make hanging out in it worthwhile.
Friday: Happy solstice! The Sun makes its annual move into Cancer today and joins the flow of the grand water trine. It’s an active day, with impulses running toward the escapist (Movies? A pool? The beach?) and sociable. Hearts and minds are aligned (know your heart and the motivation to go after it springs up). Lots of people are in harmony, too. Even couples. Could some of the attractions be fate? Maybe. Bedside writing materials could turn out to be useful.
Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.