9 Game Changing Tips for Women Entrepreneurs
Women entrepreneurs can make a real difference in the world of business.
by Joy Chudacoff
Tips for Women Entrepreneurs
Here are my top nine timely tips for women entrepreneurs who are ready to make a big leap.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #1. Trust Your Instincts
It’s essential that you hone your intuition and become comfortable making decisions about your life and business. Set a goal to practice being present more often and listen closely to your internal voice.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #2. Practice Solitude
In our wired world, if you aren’t careful, you can be “on” all the time. Technology has certainly made our lives a lot easier but it’s essential that you not allow these time-saving tools to control your life. Spending time alone is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Start small by taking a long walk alone (cell phone off) or set your alarm to wake up for some quiet time before the busyness of your day takes over. I highly recommend taking an overnight trip alone to a favorite spa or hotel at least once a year.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #3. Find Your Sweet Spot
Discover where your light shines in your business and set yourself up to live in that space as often as possible. Notice when your energy and enjoyment of the work meets the clients highest good and satisfaction – that’s your sweet spot. When I discovered this a few years ago, it was pure delight.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #4. Love Your Numbers
Pay attention to money in and money out. When I began to treat my income and expenses with respect and honor the process of taking good care of my business financially, I was rewarded with significantly more income and ideal clients.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #5. Say No More Often
This can be a challenge for women as we are nurturers by nature. If you want to live a life that feels truly meaningful and encompasses all your big ideas, dreams and goals, the word no needs to easily roll off your tongue.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #6. Positive People Please
Embrace happy, positive, success-oriented people. Eliminate toxic negativity from your life. Period.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #7. Gratitude is Good
If you’re ready to open your arms wide to having more in your life, practice gratitude daily. Be grateful for every little thing – a steamy cup of coffee, your local crossing guard and if you’re reading this right now, the fact that you are alive.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #8. Exercise Empathy
If you have a dream of making a difference in the world or desire a leadership role, empathy is a valuable tool you’ll need along the way. As the great leader Stephan Covey said, “Seek first to understand.” Understanding and acknowledging someone else’s situation is the foundation to change.
Women Entrepreneurs Tip #9. Think Bigger
Give yourself permission to create a bigger vision for yourself than you ever thought possible. Write down a goal that feels challenging (and maybe a little scary) and then design a plan to achieve it by December 31, 2013.
If you implement even one of these nine game changing tips over the next 30 days, I promise you positive change will begin to show up in your life. I’m calling 2013 “The Year of the Woman Entrepreneur” as my instincts tell me next year is going to be a year of abundance for women who are ready to embrace all that life and business have to offer.
Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.
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About the Author
Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000’s of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you’re ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, 2 FREE Reports and FREE MP3 now at Creating The Spark.
© 2013 Joy Chudacoff
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