Transform Your Life in 30 Days – Day 1

Transform Your Life in 30 Days Day 1
By Angela Martindale
Before you began: Understand this Universal Truth: You don’t know where you are going if you don’t really clearly understand where you started and where you want to end up. In order to see your success, you must be able to measure it! Therefore, we start your 14 day Ultimate Transformation Program with Assignment #1:
Take a Before Photo! Stand in a 2 piece bikini in front of a plain white background in good clear lighting and photograph yourself from the front, the sides, and the back. Get real with yourself and use these Before photos as fuel and momentum to keep you headed in the right direction. The next assignment is to find a photo of someone you would like to look like. Visualize with these 2 images as where you started and where you are headed.
Today’s Affirmation: I AM gorgeous- Wow! What a powerful mantra and sometimes we are shy to say. Being gorgeous isn’t about surface value. Being gorgeous is about being pleasant to be around. It’s about letting your inner beauty really glow and opening your heart to others. Own this one, be gorgeous!!!!

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