Understanding Astrology’s Role in Your Life – Day 14

Understanding Astrology’s Role in Your Life Day 14
Conscious Living Astrology Tip for June 14, 2013
By Kathy Biehl
Your mind flew all over the dream world last night. It passed through spooky, unstable territory until finding a sunny resting place. Write down your dream fragments. If you remember none, note how you felt when you woke up, and anyone who was on your mind. Let these bits and pieces sit and come together in their own time.
For the next four days minimum, use a technique from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Each morning, before you start your routine, write down everything that is running through your head. Don’t edit; don’t worry about it being grammatical correct or even complete sentences. Just write. You are venting the chatter that’s running through your psyche. Do this several days in a row and see if you don’t enter your normal world emptied and readied for whatever may come.

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