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Understanding Astrology’s Role in Your Life – Day 30

Understanding Astrology’s Role in Your Life – Day 30


Understanding Astrology’s Role in Your Life Day 30

Conscious Living Astrology Tip for June 30, 2013

By Kathy Biehl

As the 30-Day Conscious Living Challenge comes to an end, the skies have you confronting and assimilating change. By taking part in the Challenge, you have been shaking up and rewiring  your thinking and behavior. These experiences occupy your psyche overnight, as the Moon makes hard aspects to Neptune the illusionist and Uranus the awakener, which could have the effect of lightning shooting through clouds.

Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings first thing in the morning. They may point you toward an area where you have been fooling yourself. They will show you how fully you have embraced change. In what way do you feel different, liberated, or more true to yourself? What do you absolutely, unwaveringly have to do/change/be? Symbolize that need by loosely binding your hands with a piece of thread or a circle of tape. (Make it bigger than your combined wrists, then slide your hands into it.) Push your hands against the thread or tape until it breaks.

See Also

Throughout the day, watch for indicators of how or where your perceptions or environment are out of synch with this newly embraced absolute. Further adjustments may be necessary. Create your own symbolic act to implement them.

Starting tomorrow, when you read an astrological forecast, think about the descriptions of the planets and signs you see mentioned. Come up with your own way to express their energies in your life. Be inventive — and have fun!

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