Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 13

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 13
Day 13: Are We Haunted by the Fear of Death?
There are many in this world that are very much afraid of death. Not only that the very word death brings a kind of negative emotion in their mind. It triggers lot of fear and at times even panic.
The fifth affliction of the mind according to Patanjali is too much desire for life; too much clinging to life; too much attachment to the body and its senses. Out of this comes tremendous fear of death.
We can let go of this fear of death by simply being positively conscious. Be positively aware that everything that happens in life happens for a purpose. Nothing can happen out of sheer coincidence. Nothing is an accident. What happens has to happen. We discover the purpose by practicing the art of reading between the lines. We can only read between the lines with eyes that are wide open. The eyes are not just physical eyes. We cultivate awareness, the eyes of higher levels of thought, vibration, and watchfulness.
By practicing the art of reading between the lines we grow in awareness and consciousness. We move to higher planes where no negativity can touch, where no attachment can possess, where no ego can overpower. Ignorance is driven away when we have the lamp of awareness ever burning in our hearts, enlightening the mind. Now, mind sees through the light of God.
By awareness, we mean the light of God. Small, individual eyes are no longer the ones that are seeing. The positive, befriending mind is seeing. When we see through a friend’s eyes, everything is friendly and good.

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