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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 14

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 14

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 14

Day 14: Does Being Detached Mean We Don’t Care Anymore?

Detachment is not indifference. Detachment is a state of mind where we don’t put our own conditions on attaining some desired results. We do our best, but do it with a sense of detachment, letting go and surrendering the results to the divine. We still care for others, but are able to separate a little from their lives, and allow them to be who they are, making their own mistakes, and living their own lives. The heart feels the pains of others with deep compassion, yet we are able to let go and let God take care of them.

How do we gain release from the stubborn grip of attachment?

See Also

We begin with keen awareness of the anxiety and the misery the attachment causes, not only to ourselves, but also to those around us and to those we love. We begin to see how all attachment robs us of peace of mind. Then we begin to practice letting go.

The instant we realize we are attached to a certain outcome, we let go of the demand that life fit our limited expectations. Every time we begin the day or a new activity, humbly dedicate it to God, lovingly releasing the outcome to God. We open the heart to grace, willing to become the instrument of God’s purposes. We simply do what we do as servants, as a prayer in self-offering, utterly surrendering the outcome to God.

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