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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 14

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 14

Many times, when something negative comes to us, we try too hard to fix it and force the situation, only making things worse. We try to manage things and nothing helps. At that point the best thing is to distance ourselves a little, witnessing the whole situation with a deep sense of trust in the Divine design. Just let go, without muddling.

If we let go, if we give the outcome to God and trust, there is time. Time is the healer. Trust and patience are very important to the day-to-day management of life. Trust in the wonderful intelligence of the Cosmic Process. Then have patience. If we want something to heal, we should allow some time.

Each attachment, every expectation, is a seed that we sow that reaps future unhappiness. There is such beauty in this Divine design! At certain times, sometimes in short intervals, we will be given shock treatments to help us understand that it is not good to expect. The design is continuously operating. We keep expecting that there should be no problems. Eventually, we ask ourselves, “Should I expect anything at all? Shouldn’t I just let go?”

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After all, whatever may be the activity, whatever may be the thought, we are seeking happiness and joy and peace, nothing else. We find expectations have been leading us to misery and unhappiness. The time comes to take stock of the whole thing, even if we don’t read books and don’t attend meditation classes. That doesn’t matter because we are in the meditation class of the universe. Mother Nature will teach us, She teaches everybody. We create miseries with expectations. Eventually, we learn. It is only when we expect nothing, when we offer ourselves and all outcomes to God, that we are flooded with peace and joy.

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