Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 15

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 15
Should We Avoid Keeping Company with Negative People?
Once we start to befriend our own minds, we might think that the best way to always keep in the positive light would be to avoid the company of people who are negative. On the contrary, as we grow in consciousness and as our attitude to life gradually changes into glowing positivity, we will feel empowered to be in the company of negative people, but not be negatively influenced. Additionally, our presence in the midst of negative friends will gradually spread the aura of positive light and they will gradually reach for a life of positivity.
Life, by design, is a continual process of self-discovery. The more harmonious we become in our lives, the more we bridge the gap between thoughts inside and the world outside. We become more alert and conscious. We don’t easily surrender to negative thoughts, to negative brooding, or to any negative bombardment from outside. We pause, then move as a true friend of the spirit.
This may not happen overnight, but as we persevere in attitudinal transformation and while we are leading ourselves into positive light, we have to be in the midst of both positive and negative people. We should definitely not run away from the negative people, instead face them and induce in them the liking for things that are entirely positive.
Apart from that, if we were not in the midst of the negative people, how would we know if we are growing into positive light? After all, being a positive person socializing with other positive people is not a big deal. But if we could still maintain our positive light and positive frame of mind in negative circumstances and situations, it proves that our strength of positivism is growing.

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