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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 18

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 18

We will have inspirational flickers from time to time. Experiences will come to tell us, “Yes, I am listening to you. I am watching you. I know, step by step, you are crawling toward me like a small child.” That is what spiritual experiences are about. They encourage and inspire us to keep going through the arduous journey. However, they are not the journey itself, nor are they the point of the journey.

Be childlike. With absolute innocence in our heart, offer unconditionally to God. Surrender. Embrace the ways in which God moves us to higher ground through every experience, whatever it is. Everything that comes to us comes from God; it is the loving hand of God’s personal instruction. Every experience calls to the Divine child in us to awaken. Whether our relationship with the Divine is direct, or through a teacher, whichever suits, move through complete surrender and trust, through the heart.

1.      If you ever doubt God, there is another side, which is trust. You have only to say to yourself, “Yes, I have doubt in my heart. So what! I also have tremendous trust in God. This doubt is nothing. This doubt cannot stay in my mind, because the power of my trust in my Beloved is so strong. God’s grace, light and strength are always with me. Doubt cannot stay.”

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2.      Affirm to yourself time and again, “All negativity, all doubt, is trivial and utterly powerless when I hold myself in the light of the Divine.” Practice this whenever doubt and negativity arise. Resolutely meet all doubt by affirming the loving, reliable presence and grace of God in your life.

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