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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 2

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 2

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 2

Is A Best Friend Sometimes a Hurtful Stranger?

Isn’t it difficult to find a best friend? After all, a friend is nothing but a mind…and a mind is the most unpredictable thing in this universe. We can never know at what moment even a best friend will suddenly turn into a hurtful stranger.

Who do trust if we cannot trust our own mind? If we can’t trust our own self, who are we going to trust? The spiritual journey, thus, is always centered around our own mind, our own self, our own being.

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Do you long for a true friend who will always be by your side when you are in danger, a friend who will understand your true needs? Then begin to cultivate a mind that listens, a mind that is positive, a mind that is rooted to the Divine within. That kind of mind is a true friend. That kind of mind sustains us through the turbulence and difficulties of life. It doesn’t allow us to falter when we are suddenly faced with a stressful situation.

1.      Spend some time before the mirror each day, looking into your own eyes. Affirm that you are a radiant child of eternal light. See the beauty, the goodness, the Divine love shining in your own eyes. Doing this mirror work regularly will make you more beautiful. It will create miracles. You will grow in self-esteem. You will become more aware of your inner strength and power of mind. Divine grace will manifest miracle after miracle around you. You will become your own, true, orienting center.

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