Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 21

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 21
Do We Fall Prey to the Games of the Ego?
The Nature of the Soul is pure, perfect, self-illumined, and eternally free. Like the sky it is stainless, and no sin can touch the soul. A soul-centered life is the life we are born to lead on earth.
Ego is the shadow, a non-entity appearing as entity claiming all the credits when we do well and frowning at all the discredits when we stumble. Ego is the separator. It divides and separates us from others. This is the root ignorance, our sense of separation. As a result we are separated from our own Being, our true Self and also the rest of the Universe.
All fears and material pleasures are ego-games. They are phantoms that play in the mind, as long as we are unconsciously thinking our bodies and minds are who we are! All the negative brooding is our ego’s trick by which ego survives. We feed our ego with negativity and the continuous search for happiness without, while the source of all joy and happiness is essentially within, rooted in the Being, not in the ego.
We have to realize that ego cannot take us far in the path to peace and happiness. Any experiences of peace and happiness are only transient flickers. When we deeply realize the ego is the root cause of all dissatisfaction, and that our true urge in life is to return to the Self, we try to move beyond the shadow of ego to the Light of egoless Self, the immortal Self within. ??When the realization dawns that ego is causing all fears and frustrations, then we also come to know that it is our attachments to various things or persons, and our concepts and ideologies, which also cause disappointment and confusion.

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