Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 22

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 22
Day 22: Trust All Is Well, Have Patience This Too Shall Pass!
The greatest gift that the Divine has given us all is trust and patience. The greatest offering that we can give to life is trust and patience. Trust that all is well and have patience that “this too shall pass.” Trust and patience are the two cents that God demands from each of us to ultimately see through the transparent scheme of the Divine Design.
When we embrace the world with patience, perseverance, and trust, surrendering to the Truth of change, we no longer desire to have things our way, but instead trust that things will change as they ought to. Each soul here on earth has come to fulfill certain incomplete experiences about the Truth. The brain is wired through repetitive thoughts and acts, and the force of habits binds us all. Even if we judge and try to change others, we won’t succeed; change has to begin within the other person, which is beyond our reach. We can judge, criticize, resist, and fight if we wish, but we are only fueling the negative energy in the other through our acts, and we will be drained. We lose. What is the gain?
If we first fill ourselves with the positive energy of light founded on the value of patience and trust in the Divine, then we don’t have to judge and change others; they will be transformed in the presence by our look, our touch, our words, and our Aura. That is what a Buddha or a true Yogi does!

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