Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 23

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 23
Learning to See with the Eyes of the Spirit
Everything in our lives is a part of the process of human evolution. Whatever we do is not only for ourselves, but is also for the whole of human society as it evolves to a higher state of consciousness. Our human experience compels us to question life, to question ourselves more deeply. That is the design of the life process.
What are we seeking? What is the source of true happiness? Is it more things? Or is it discovering the bliss, the ananda, of our essential being? What leads to true peace?
These questions bring new light to the human mind. We discover the need for a different perspective, the need to learn to see beyond the physical dimension, and the need to see with the eyes of the spirit.
Those who have lived the eternal principles through the ages have left us a legacy, but it is one with which we need to personally experiment. We must find out whether these principles are practice-able in our own lives, in the day-to-day struggles of our own existence. It is only through practice that we experience truth directly and truly learn.
Even if by some magical power we were bestowed with hundreds of eyes in our head to see all around us for happiness and the source of all mystery in this universe, we would not find it outside of us. For the source is not outside but inside of us, where the Self resides. Our two external eyes can search and seek, but they will not find. There is yet another eye in each of us, the eye of awareness, or the eye of wisdom, the eye of cosmic vision, and it is through that EYE that we can see the Truth of this myriad of manifestations and its underlying reality. The Unity in diversity.

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