Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 25

The problem with most seekers is that, to them, their spiritual seeking is yet another attainable, achievable item in the list of the To Dos. Instead of adding To Dos to our spiritual practice, we need to just follow a simple humble path of living a good life of a family member, worker, and member of our community, doing our daily tasks with more mindfulness and awareness and leaving the results to the Divine. ?When we learn to live our non-meditation time with more simple awareness of the Doer within, and feel happy that we are being taken care by the Divine, and when our attention and focus is on the Power and grace that is taking care of us, we feel relaxed, at ease, and are in touch with our innate happiness within.
What we need to do is to be friendly with our mind and gradually take the mind to its Divine Source. The mind always has a tendency to pull us out from our inner soul to the world of illusions and dreams. We have to develop the art of retreating back to our source. We need to understand that we have to seek and find the Doer within us of all that we do.
We become more mindful, alert and conscious of our thoughts and actions. This art of mindfulness will gradually cleanse our mind of all its impurities and show us the path ahead. With that positive state of mind we will be able to attract lots of positive opportunities to involve ourselves in a life of fulfillment and joy. That is the purpose of life to realize that all obstacles and blocks are the creations of mind in a state of unmindfulness and unconsciousness. As you become more and more mindful and conscious, the incidence of obstacles and blocks, stresses and strains of life start to disappear. That is practical spirituality. To be where we are, doing what we are doing, but aware we are not the Doer, changes nothing external. This mindfulness of the true Doer creates the gradual process of Self transformation that is the gift of true spirituality.

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