Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 27

The love of God happens only through love of Self. Any extreme self-criticism leads to suffering and depression. Then we don’t achieve much. Years roll by. We have been on the path of spirituality, practicing this and that meditation or breathing technique, but substantially, not much happens.
We have our definitions, categories, priorities, preferences, concepts; we have our thoughts. As we move higher and higher to the Spirit within, these conditions gradually dissolve. As these conditions dissolve and as we become more unconditioned, we find that our devotion, our love, our surrender are becoming purer and purer.
In the Universal Mind, there is no pain and there is no pleasure. There is no insult and there is no praise. There is no play of opposites. In the Universal Mind, nothing of that can play any more. It is only in the individual mind that all these habits can play.
Unconditioned mind is Universal. Once we have reached the state of unconditioned mind, we enter the state of conscious, ecstatic union with the Divine. We are merging with the Infinite Divine, with God.
1. Practice being non-judgmental, non-reactive, non-resistant. First, see what is happening to your mind. What are the thoughts that are coming into your mind? Watch your thoughts in a very compassionate meditation. You are separate from the thoughts. If you watch the thoughts and keenly observe them, you find each thought rising up, appearing for some time, then dissolving in no time, because you are not participating.
2. Practice observing your thoughts without engaging with condemnation or appreciation. Condemnation or appreciation is nothing but your energy being given to that thought. The energy of response forms and reinforces a memory in your mind. The memories then block the mind. If you witness without judgment, the thought comes and it dissolves. It cannot impress itself on you. It came, because it was a part of you. It stayed, because it had to stay for some time. Its impression was not strong because it could not find cooperation from you. It received no reinforcing energy, so it fell away.

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