Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 28

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 28
Do We Say “Yes” At The Expense Of Our Own Balance?
Commonly we are talked into doing things that we don’t want to do, then when we are dissatisfied, we put the blame on others, saying that others are forcing us to do it. We need to remember, we cannot please the world and be happy at the same time.
We can please the Self within us, the “I” in us, and be happy forever. As long as we are working from the plane of mundane consciousness, we will do things for others and have expectations, and at some point of time feel exhausted and at times cheated. These are tricks of our ego. But if we learn to be true to our Self, true to our own consciousness, we will not stretch beyond a certain point where we lose our balance and fall.
Even if we say “Yes” to whatever someone asks us to do, it does not prove that we are a loving person. For our “Yes” and our “No” are all relative to persons and circumstances. We may say, “Yes,” but if the person expects more, how long can we go against our own needs to be healthy and happy and keep saying “Yes”?
The best way is to learn to balance in life. Our spiritual pursuit is to attain to that balanced state, that awareness which would always keep us calm and focused so that we know well how much we can stretch ourselves to help the other. Our true spiritual practice would create the stable ground of our mind from where we actually draw our happiness and joy in life.
It is not the praise from people that can be the ground on which we can build our home for joy. It is our anchor and experience of awareness of the Spirit within that will give us the power to truly love without loving, for love would happen to us as fragrance to flowers. We would never get exhausted for the supply comes from the infinite source of the Universe, not our ego self.
We need to wake up to the reality that true happiness is in the balance of our Mind Body and Spirit, which means we have to first work on the grounds of our own inner instruments and fine tune them to realize the Higher realities and Power to share without sharing.
Before we are ready to guide or help others, we need to collect ourselves, we need to find our own center first, we need to find our own Self in a state of integrity. Most often what we find in the society is people trying to advise others while making very little impact. It is because the person who is advising and trying to guide the other is himself uncentered, in a state of chaos inside.
As we become more and more spiritually centered, we are able to understand what to say, when to say it, and how to say it to anyone regarding any situation that the other might face. Our guidance will no longer be treated as an imposition or unwanted advice but as a loving gift with open heart.
Thus it always boils down to the single point that we need to uplift ourselves before we are ready to help others. And when we are ready we help without helping, we are compassionate without being compassionate, we love without loving, we do without doing.
1. Try to follow the path of moderation and balance, which means you follow a daily routine, are respectful of time, and always go by your priorities. Don’t rush and do not allow anyone to use you. Respect everyone, but always remember your time, your priorities and your discipline in life. Understand what you want to achieve in life, do one task at a time, relax, pause and let the power of your Spirit manifest in you. That is the path to happiness.
2. To help others you need to first help yourself. ??Regular practice of meditation, impartial self-analysis, and continual vigilance over your own mind, mindfulness, and surrender to the ultimate will of the divine are the practice that needs to be practiced first. This brings about the inner divine sparks which has its own pure energy, that is the essence which makes the difference in the lives of others.
We know that love is happening when our heart dances in the very act of giving without least expectations of any return in the future.
Love and Blessings,
Sri Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari, lovingly called Baba (Be Aware, Be Awakened) is an international motivational speaker, author, social advocate, universal spiritual teacher and innovative Microcredit leader from West Bengal, India. He conducts global seminars on Course in Mindfulness (CIM) targeting the leaders of today and tomorrow in hopes that sustaining changes can be made to ensure peace and prosperity, harmony, health and happiness for all. His Lokenath Divine Life Mission serves thousands of women and children annually through self-help. Baba posts daily on FB and ST and is a highly engaging teacher who loves to interact with everyone!…

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