Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 30

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 30
Day 30: Final Challenge: Active Compassion and Global Transformation
As we deepen the process of finding our conscious, friendly mind, our heart, the seat of our Spirit, expands. Our connection to all of life around us naturally deepens. It becomes impossible to live only for ourselves and for our own happiness. We know and feel the inner Presence, the immense dignity and beauty of the Divine promise that aches to be realized in every human heart. Our concern for others, for the quality of life available to others in our world, takes on new dimensions. The wounding we experience at witnessing the innate Divinity within all creation being devalued, denied, or violated motivates us to want to serve.
If we are sincere as we progress in the life of our spirit, the magnitude of the pain and human suffering that goes on in our world exerts a pull on us. Our love and compassion for others are called to action. We realize that we must find some way to serve our fellow brethren, some way to contribute to the positive energy of the world.
The issues facing humanity stir our soul to ask ever-deeper questions. What are solutions to the maladies, the collective human afflictions whereby human beings create such a self-destructive process? What are the obstacles to those solutions? How can we intervene in the collective pain and pathology of our human experience? How can we individually and collectively work to encourage spiritual friendship? How can we bring light and love, harmony and understanding, and rekindle healing consciousness wherever we can? And since we cannot be everywhere, doing everything, addressing every human need, where do we feel most called to support those who are addressing the deepest human suffering with integrity, heart and wisdom? What sacrifices can we make to support the good and important work in our world?

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