Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 4

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind Day 4
Do We STOP and Pay Regular Visits to Our Self?
Our positive, befriending mind is the mind at peace with itself. It is one with the world around it. This truly spiritual Higher Mind is always positive, always rooted in the expansive nature and capacities of the Spirit within. Cultivating our positive, befriending mind is the basic, essential spiritual practice without which all other practice falls short.
Our lower, ego-ic, monkey mind always traps us with its projected thoughts, ideas and concepts. It is very easy to fall prey to the games of the lower mind, to fall into self-deception!
Our minds are preoccupied with visiting all the continents of the world, to all the areas of life that we presume would create security for us and bring us happiness. Mindfulness is to find time to just STOP the mind’s movement. It is like stopping at the stop sign, and then proceeding. Even a moment’s stop and attention to our inner world could trigger the light of consciousness, the luminous divinity in us to bless our way ahead.
1. Instead of allowing too many “minds” inside of you, talking together, creating chatter, just meditate and allow your mind to settle. Feel that you have two parts, one sending positive vibrations of healing and love and the other receiving it. It is like you are sending and receiving at the same time. It is an act of befriending your own mind. It is an act of self-help and self-healing.

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