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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 6

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 6

Your Conscious,  Friendly Mind Day 6

Day 6: Let The Deepest Aspirations Light The Way

There is a single web of mind, One Cosmic Mind within which we are all living and evolving. If we are not able to be conscious of the vast, Infinite Cosmic Mind, that is no problem. We do not have to worry about that. We may not know what is in the mind of God, but we can become conscious and aware of what is in our own mind! We can reflect upon our own mind and watch the mind, rather than letting it play itself out unconsciously.

That attentive quality of consciousness, that awareness, is a kind of lamp that burns. In India, we say that temple looks best where there is a light continuously burning; we never allow that light to be extinguished. We need the lamp in the temple, but we also need the lamp that burns ceaselessly within. Like the temple priest we must be careful and watchful to see that the light does not burn out.

See Also

The lamp is the flame of our aspiration. It is our yearning, our love for truth, our love for all that is good and beautiful, our love for God, our love of knowing our own Self. It is our love of knowing who we are, why we are, where we are. Every fundamental question comes to be addressed, comes to resolution, provided we try to see through the lamp in our own heart and give up borrowing the answers of others. Those who have that lamp, that awareness, ever burning in their heart, never go wrong in that light. They befriend everything that comes to them. They read between the lines. They come to understand the language by which God is trying to communicate to them. Such a mind is truly devoted, dedicated, offered to the Divine.

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