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Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 8

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind – Day 8

Your Conscious, Friendly Mind- Day 8

Day 8: Should We Sign a Contract to Be Happy

Happiness and unhappiness are states of mind.  They are attitudes.  If we dwell in the positive field of the mind, if we look for the light in the midst of darkness, we come to realize it is a reaction to external circumstances, and not the external circumstances themselves, which is responsible for happiness or unhappiness in life.

The more we practice befriending the conscious mind, the more we see that no outside circumstances or situations can make us unhappy unless we agree to be unhappy, unless we sign a contract to be unhappy.

See Also

In daily living people offer contracts all the time. They may offer praise or criticism. These daily contracts involve an offer from one person and an acceptance or rejection by the other. If someone offers and we refuse to accept the offering, no contract exists.

As we become conscious and aware of any triggering situations, we begin to see it through the eyes of wisdom.  No life is without difficulty; every life involves hardship.  But as we grow in wisdom, we resolve not to react but instead to respond.  We choose to only sign contracts with happiness. We choose to harness the energy that was pulling down and direct it into an upward movement of understanding and compassion.  The emotions that would have played riot inside of us become tamed under vigilant eyes of awareness.  Negative energy is transformed into a higher frequency that lifts us up, out of the darkness, into light and love.  This is spirituality in practice.

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