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Your Pain Can Lead to Your Passion

Your Pain Can Lead to Your Passion

Mary Murphy
[MARY AND MARLISE GO INTO A STILLNESS SESSION: For more on The Simplicity of Stillness Method® and Stillness Sessions please visit: The Simplicity of Stillness Method Defined]

So Mary, are you there?

Mary:  I’m still here.  [Laughs]  I wanted more, actually….

I think whatever has happened to anybody in his or her life, that is only a moment.  And it doesn’t define who you are.  And you can move past nearly everything, in fact, anything that comes your way.  You just have to stay true to yourself.  And like you said, listen to your heart.

Listen-Now-buttonListen to Marlise’s whole interview on One World Puja. Click here:

See Also
Ushapan Ayurveda

Real Power True Peace is hosted by author, teacher and founder of The Simplicity Of Stillness Method® and can be heard on One World Puja the 1st and 3rd Thursday’s of every month at 11am and 6pm PST.  Click the pic below.


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