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Astrology Forecast for July 22-28, 2013

Astrology Forecast for July 22-28, 2013

by Kathy Biehl

Finally, a change of pace. Go-with-the-flow mode is so last week. This one begins with a thunderclap, a flash of lightning or a clink of chains unlocking and triggering and motivated action.  We’re climbing — or maybe shooting — out of the water in which we’ve been swirling, swimming, surfing and, at times, drowning. And suddenly we know what we absolutely have to do. Actually implementing that knowledge, though, is another matter.

Maybe our time out of the wet is only long enough to look down/back at it and get a fresh perspective. Maybe we actually find a tiny island where we can briefly touch down. Either way we can shake off some of the sogginess and feel the warmth of the sun. We place our feet on the solid ground of sober habits, discernment and healthy boundaries.  We can contemplate the week’s epiphanies, awakenings and liberations and sit a spell with the call to action we’re feeling so intensely. We may pull off some forward movement. The week’s biggest movement, however, is getting some distance on the water and all it entails.

See Also

The gear shift hits on Monday, with enough abrupt changes to cause whiplash. First, the watery, emotional flow escalates into another tidal wave as Mars, planet of action, teams with bigger-is-better Jupiter.  Thereafter sociability takes a dive. What we want most is to clean up and dry off, when Venus trades Leo’s fun and drama-loving mode for the earth mother trappings of Virgo. Meanwhile, the Sun leaves the waters of Cancer for his warm, fiery, high-energy home of Leo and quickly sets up the summer’s first Full Moon in Aquarius. (A second comes late next month, at the end of the sign.)

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