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Astrology Forecast for July 22-28, 2013

Astrology Forecast for July 22-28, 2013

Thursday:  The predawn hours are active, energizing and motivating. A cosmic night light is infusing your psyche with optimism, hope and boundless possibilities. Your resolve is strengthening too, as little nagging voices of fears and what-ifs go quiet. It’s an important day for communication. Self-awareness is high today, and so is the ability to express yourself with ease. You’ll have plenty to chew on when the Moon starts a monster void at 2:44 PM EDT. This one lasts more than 24 hours, until late afternoon tomorrow.

Friday:  The Moon is void of course until 5:30 PM EDT. This is no uneventful stretch, however. As has been frequently the case this year, major planetary aspects are occurring during this void, a pattern that pushes their impact deep into our beings. Today’s feature Venus, planet of love, money, creativity and all that we value. Issues of love loom large, some with a side of sacrifice. She and illusionist Neptune are heightening awe and wonder at relationship developments (or maybe just plain bafflement). A kite-string is in reach to tie a situation to solid ground. Behaving responsibly is an element, which may take the form of firming up an arrangement, moving it onto more stable turf or taking on obligations and commitments. Come evening, when the Moon enters go-get-’em Aries, the day’s sweetness pops like a soap bubble. Plans change, urges erupt out of nowhere and the air crackles with excitement and enthusiasm. Hardly a night to sit in front of a screen watching movies; vent this fire!

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