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Astrology Forecast for July 8-14, 2013

Astrology Forecast for July 8-14, 2013

by Kathy Biehl

We are in the boundless present. Notice this week how time feels like it is slowing and expanding, inviting us to dive into the eternity of each moment and ride the emotions as they surface, crest and flow.

And my, is emotional flow everywhere. It is unleashing outpourings, clucking, clutching, finger-pointing, guilt trips, personal attacks both real and perceived, reaching for security blankets of all kinds (fabric, food, human, symbolic) (emphasis on the food), yearning, nostalgia (for a past that never was), sentimentality and holding family (blood or chosen) close.

Saturn, the planet of order, structure and authority, is stationing to end his five-month retrograde on Monday, simultaneously with the New Moon in Cancer. Saturn insists we take our time, and when he stations his influence becomes the slowest of the slow.  (Think: ocean liner turning around.) His pause prolongs and heightens the coming into being we are witnessing of inspiration, dreams,  non-violent rebellion, ideology and authoritarian, dissent-silencing moves.  Situations will begin taking shape now that have been brewing behind the scenes or below the surface since mid-February.

See Also
Astrology Forecast April 2021

This is bringing an “I/we know what’s best for everyone” mentality more out into the open. Not only is the federal government monitoring our phone calls and Internet activity, but as Saturn began stationing last week The New York Times reported that the Post Office is also photocopying and logging our mail. Big Brother authoritarianism is on the rise in state legislatures as well. Astrology in action is one way to view the epidemic of silencing dissent, changing the rules and ramming through legislation that a majority of constituents do not want.  (As for other ways to view … they are up to you.)

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