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Awakening the Spiritual Self-The Psychic Self Connection

Awakening the Spiritual Self-The Psychic Self Connection

By Donna Watkins

With all of our technology it would appear that we are more connected than ever before but recent tragedies like Newtown and Boston show us that so many of us still seem to feel disconnected and alone.

Many psychologists agree that the origin of neurosis comes from feeling separate from others and of not feeling worthy of love. We feel that we are not connected to others or to anything that exists around us. Many of us believe that we are unlovable; that if anyone saw our true self they would run away screaming in terror. We are taught at an early age to hide and to doubt our own self-worth. We are taught that it is not who we are that defines our worth but what we “have” on the outside that people can see.

But at the same time, there are many of us feeling something stirring deep down within us telling us that things should be different-that this is not how life is supposed to be.

When the movie “Avatar” came out, mental health professionals noted a new disorder among people who had seen the movie, which they named “the Pandora Phenomenon” or the “Avatar Blues.”

For those of you who haven’t seen Avatar, here is a short synopsis: Pandora is a beautiful planet rich in the mineral unobtanium, which is being mined by an Earth corporation.

The native people (the Nav’i) have been fighting against the corporation and the military is sent in to secure the planet. All living things on the planet can connect to each other and to their deity, Eiwa, by “bonding”; a merging and intertwining of physical nerve strands. Eiwa is fully alive in everything on the world of Pandora.

Physically, the Nav’i are very different from humans and Earth scientists have grown Nav’i bodies combined with their own DNA. Each scientist links their consciousness with their Avatar and can live and move about in the Avatar body.

After one of the scientists unexpectedly dies, his twin brother, a paralyzed outcast Marine named Jake, is recruited to take his place. The Avatar program is designed to study Pandora and its people but the Earth military decides to use it in their war for control.

Jake immerses himself in the Nav’i culture as a spy to learn their ways and is eventually accepted as one of the tribe. But after living with them and experiencing the beauty of Pandora he finds the acceptance and connection that he has longed for all of his life. Jake has a change of heart and uses his newfound connection to help save the Nav’i world from certain destruction.

After seeing the movie, many people became depressed because they realized that something was missing from their life. They longed to connect with something greater than themselves and feel a purpose in life and they felt that they could never have that kind of connection here on Earth.

When we come into this world, we are still very connected to Divine Mind and the Realm of Spirit – the higher dimension that is our true home. Our Spiritual and Psychic selves lie in that higher dimension; along with our Divine Helpers. So, how did we get “dis-connected” from that higher dimension?

Well, most of us didn’t come from families that encouraged or even recognized that connection. How many of us had “imaginary” friends when we were children? Were they “imaginary” or did we truly have the ability to see, hear and feel beings from a higher dimension? We were told that it was just our “imagination” or that it was time to grow up and stop playing or even worse; that it was evil or that there was something wrong with us mentally. That wonderful connection was broken and we have lived our lives ever since, feeling like something was missing but not knowing what or how or when it was taken.

That connection is our “sixth-sense” and just like our other senses, humans were made to use them all. It’s like taking a part of our body away and telling us that we don’t need it or that it was wrong to have it. We have all read about amputees and “phantom limb” sensation; the feeling that the limb is still there. The limb is still part of the etheric body-the mind knows this and sends the sensation of that which was lost.

For most of us the part that was “lost” was our psychic self and that loss has caused us to be missing our spiritual self-it’s like having “phantom spirit” sensation. Our spiritual self was meant to be whole, with a connection to Divine Mind and higher dimension and to each other and our planet. When our psychic self was “dismembered”, we lost our spiritual self as well. Awakening the spiritual self-means to re-awaken our sixth sense and “re-member” our connection to Spirit. It is finding our true self again.

There is a wonderful quote from Dr. Brian Weiss, well-known author and lecturer on past-life therapy: “Our hearts know the path to happiness and inner peace…When we forget our heart’s message…we feel unfulfilled and unhappy…We have…lost our way. The remedy is simple. Take the time to remember your divinity, your spiritual nature. Remember why you are here.”

See Also

When we can access Spirit, we find our true self and we find connection. We are no longer disconnected from one another-we are no longer separate or different. We find that we are all of one mind; one body; one spirit. We are Love and we find out how to be Love in this world-why we are here and how we can serve. We find our talents and our strengths. We uncover our weaknesses and how we can learn from them.

We also remember the eternal nature of our soul and that we had a hand in creating this life; that there is a reason for all that we have gone through and that we are not helpless victims of some circumstances beyond our control. The fact that you are reading this is no accident.

Remember the old saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear?” Well, we are surrounded by loving Divine Teachers that exist in a higher dimension but are easily accessible to us. They are waiting patiently for us to make the connection to them. They have information to give us from Divine Mind and from their own experience and knowledge.

When we re-connect to Divine Mind we step into the Realm of Spirit. Awakening our psychic self is awakening our spiritual self. We step into a higher dimension for a while as we communicate with those beings that exist there; the more that we access it, the higher our vibration goes. The higher our vibration goes; the more we live in the higher dimension.

It is time to take back that part of us that was lost. It is time to go back to using all of our senses. It is time to raise our vibration so that we can live in a world of beauty and love and of connection to all that is. It is time to awaken our Spiritual Self

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Donna Watkins, CHt., is a Channel, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Author, Ordained Minister and Hypnotherapist specializing in Spiritual Hypnosis. She is the author of Signs From Heaven: How to Read the Messages From Your Loved Ones in the Spirit World; available on Amazon. She is currently working on several more books, guided meditations, home-study courses and teleclasses.

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