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Coherency, Opening Your Mind to New Reality

Coherency, Opening Your Mind to New Reality


Coherency, Opening Your Mind to New Reality

by Marlise Karlin

Real-Power_True-PeaceIn an exclusive extract from Marlise Karlin’s radio interview, Dr. William A. Tiller, the renowned physicist, who appeared in the film, “What the Bleep Do You Know” discusses the energetic fields, the extraordinary results of his discoveries and how this relates to our everyday lives.

Professor Emeritus of Material Science and Engineering at Stanford University, and the author of “Science and Human Transformation.” Dr. Tiller’s groundbreaking research on human consciousness and human intention has expanded traditional science to include what has been thought to be impossible.

Marlise:  Dr. Tiller, although you’ve done a wide variety of research in your life, it’s my understanding that you could be described as a rogue scientist by orthodox science, Have you had to pay the price?

Bill Tiller:  People were shocked and surprised, but to thine own self be true, From my perspective, the psycho-energetic science approach was very, very important for humanity.  So back in 1971, I made that decision.  I took extra time and I divided it into three parts.

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The first one was continued experiential development of self. The second part was to continue to theorize how the universe might be constructed to allow this crazy-seeming kind of stuff to naturally coexist with orthodox science and the third was to design and do experiments to keep the theory honest.

Marlise:  You straddled the boat, you had to pay for your family, but still opened the door to the other work that you were passionate about.  It’s given you the extraordinary life that you’ve lived. And, the information that you’ve brought to light, that no one else has.

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