Do You Have Your Father’s Blessing?

By Michelle Butt
In Ancient China, decrees and laws endorsed by the highest authority, usually the emperor or his representative, were marked with a seal or stamp of approval. There is an area on the face that is referred to as the Seat of the Stamp, in other words, the place where your personal stamp of approval would go.
Your face tells the story of you, your life experiences, behaviors and even the nature of your relationships with your parents. There are specific areas on the face that can tell us about your relationship with your Mother and with your Father. In face reading the area that is the Seat of the Stamp has come to be known as the Father’s Blessing. It is the spot that is the space between your eyebrows. Imagine drawing a circle between your eyebrows that encompasses your brow bone, to the top of the bridge of your nose.
If you think of the nature of a seal of approval and the ideal role of father in our lives then you can see the correlation between the Ancient Chinese practice and the indication of relationship with father in this spot on the face. The role of father is to guide the child into a life filled with support, confidence, self-assurance and determination. The healthy, well-balanced father will teach his child how to stand in her own power and bless her power in the world, giving the child his stamp of approval in his capacity as the authority figure in her life.
When we see an unmarked Father’s Blessing area, namely, no vertical lines showing up, no discoloration, scars or uneven skin, then we would believe that that person had a father figure in her life who was supportive and blessed her power in the world. Yes, sometimes this area can be unmarked and one may not have had the best relationship with father, but we would suspect then that perhaps someone else stepped in and filled the authority role or she found a way to bless her own power in the world. Each case is individual but more often than not, the patterns on the face are a reflection of the depth of our emotions and the manifestation of particular behaviors as a result of those patterns.
What we often see that is a red flag for us, as face readers, is a single line down the middle of the Father’s Blessing area. This would indicate some issue with the father figure in life. He may have worked long hours, passed away when the child was young, been absent due to a divorce, been ill or even mentally or emotionally distant or cruel. The opportunity to feel blessed by Father was in some way absent and it affected the emotional states of self-confidence, self-assurance and determination to the degree that it has become part of your story and your patterns of behavior in the world.
If you look in the mirror and see this line, think about your relationship with your own Father or the father figure in your life. Were there difficulties? Do you feel supported and strengthened by his influence? Have you had difficulty in your life standing up for yourself, gaining your own personal power, or feeling approved of? Do you continue to bump up against authority figures in your life, at work or in relationships that make you lose confidence? If any of these are familiar, perhaps it is time to look for ways to heal or reconcile with that original relationship with father so that you can step into your power and take charge of your life.
The work can be as simple as understanding the story your whole face is telling, to look for areas of strength and power you may not have been tapping into. It could be the awareness of the meaning of your Father’s Blessing area can begin the healing energetically, or you may need to talk to a coach or counselor to work through your emotions and change your patterns to live the life you want. Either way, when the emotions and behaviors change, remarkably often times, the line may change or fade as well.
We all deserve to be powerful, strong, and confident. And our faces tell the story of how much of that we feel and just who has been of influence in our lives, both in positive and challenging ways. I do hope that you feel blessed in your life and that you have new eyes for your own personal relationship with your Father and his role in your life.
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Michelle Butt is a Face Reading Consultant, and Certified Master Coach. She is also a contributing author to the book, Ready, Aim, Captivate! featuring Deepak Chopra. Face Reading is her passion as she has come to know that ALL that we have internally experienced emotionally, physically and environmentally tells its story externally on our faces. Our faces are our unique offerings to the world and they hold a treasure of insights that we can begin to discover and embrace through the Science of Face Reading. Her goal in life is to assist others in truly understanding who they are, what they are saying to the world, at all times, by all means, and to guide them to achieving the joyful, fulfilling, successful lives that they desire.

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