Frequency Based Learning
By Angela Levesque
Have you ever heard of a scientist making a discovery and somebody, unknowingly and independently, across the world makes the same discovery? In science, they call this, “multiple independent discovery”. Evolution, the telescope and even calculus are examples of this phenomenon. There are many ways to gain knowledge in this world. We often think of knowledge being learned through scientific inquiry, one discovery on the back of another. But what if there are other ways to learn? What if research is just one road to knowledge and everything we ever wanted to learn/know is available through the heart lines of consciousness?
Quantum Learning
In order to understand how frequency-based learning works, we need to look at how information is stored and passed through our field of consciousness. In truth, information is not stored anywhere, rather it exists in the field of consciousness as waves of pure energy. Not existing anywhere, until it is called upon. It has been and always will be available to us. The real issue is not the storage, but the accessing of the information. The field of consciousness holds all the intelligence of the universe, it contains all information and through its energy, we are able to unlock unlimited potential and gain instant knowledge. Instead of inferring the whole from its parts, it is about embracing the whole first. Not through the mind, but in the heart. The heart receives from the unified field pure impulses of energy, which our brain then interprets. In this way, we can gain knowledge, not through words which are symbols, but pure intelligence.
How it Works
To understand the transmission of the information, imagine the neural circuitry of the brain. Bundles of lines that intersect and are entangled. Information can be accessed through the lines of transmission on a certain thread. Where we access the frequency and our personal worldview, determines our experience. Because of the complex nature of these threads of information and the entanglement of them, we have the experience of collective consciousness. Unconsciously, we are picking up the frequency of the threads and circuitry closes to it. This is why we create norms and social mores, based on this collective experience of similar frequencies. When we don’t understand the primacy of consciousness and its creative force, we assume that the material world is reality. This is the foundation of the illusion or the collective dream.
This is also the foundation of our mechanistic viewpoint. There is a certain predictability that comes from having most people being unconsciously connected. We derive truth based on the perceptions of our 5 basic senses, when the information is really coming from our unconscious experience of these common frequencies. So how conscious we are of the decisions or circumstances, determines the level of illusion. Once we embrace the creative force of consciousness and shift our worldview, then everything becomes a possibility.
The Resistance
Frequency-based learning is achieved by connecting to the frequency upon which the information resides. This thinking is however limited, as all information exists in the same space, but can be called out, if necessary to understand a concept, population or idea. While the energy moves on circuits, the information is not transmitted linearly, unless we opt to. It is really a serial processing mechanism, able to connect to the whole. This requires a complete disconnect from the ego mind, which can only process separate, reductionist units of information.
When we move from a place of fear or doubt, we create resistance and interference. This changes the message and information we are able to receive.
When I talk about low and high vibrational emotions, I am really talking about speed of transmission and clarity of message. Again, it is our nature to experience things in a linear fashion, so we view things on a continuum, but that is the microcosmic experience. The much larger picture is that when we have high vibrational expressions such as gratitude or compassion, it is an experience of the whole field, a unified singularity. It is much closer to the true language of the universe, which is love. All low vibrational experience is dense and more a product of the mind, not the pure units of universal intelligence, which is gathered by the heart. That is the connection to the whole that people have spoken about. It is the energetic experience of oneness.
Applications for Learning
Next time you have a blog to write, a class to prepare, or an idea to learn about, try to first tune in to the frequency of that information. Allow the information to be downloaded to you by the universal computer. Before I develop a class curriculum, I tune in to the frequency of the population I am serving and the material that is a vibrational match to that frequency. Then I open myself up to accessing that information in the field of consciousness. In order to fully appreciate this technique, you must be able to calm the mind, open the heart and be in the moment. It is amazing when you sit without resistance, how quickly ideas will come to you.
To begin this process, find a comfortable place to sit. Bring a pad of paper and a pencil next to you and begin to breathe in and out of your heart center. Set your intention to connect with the information that will serve your needs, in your highest good. Then, imagine the opening and activating of your heart chakra. Extend the energy center beyond your body and visualize it connecting with the universal field of consciousness. Then consider the topic, idea or project that you need to work on. Then, just allow. Find a way to record your ideas without interference. I write out my ideas in a flow consciousness. Remember not to judge your ideas, as judging creates resistance and hampers you ability to access the intelligence.
After you finish this process, do your research. Life is a balance, in such an overtly linear, reductionist world; it is up to you to create the balance in the way we learn. Being able to connect to the universal intelligence will bring more creativity, depth, inspiration and meaning to your work. While it is easy to discount your intuitive knowing in favor of more accepted knowledge, it should be a blend. We need to study things in great detail, but we also need to be able to connect to that knowledge as a whole. Frequency-based learning, like the Internet, is a way to tap into vast amounts of information, but unlike the Internet, wisdom and insight are the natural outcomes. As we begin to tap into the field for practical applications like learning, we take steps closer to reaching our spiritual singularity.
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Angela Levesque is health educator, writer, exercise physiologist and energy healer. She hosts 2 weekly online radio shows on Angela teaches several classes on self-care, meditation & weight loss. Visit for more information. Follow on and

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