Holistic Health Cruise

Program Spotlight
Call 860-322-0706 or visit MyHolisticCruise.com
It’s a Perfect Time for Evolving Conscious Health & Community… on a Caribbean Cruise!
Hundreds of holistic health enthusiasts will convene for eight days of laughter, exploration and community, November 2 – 9, 2013. The Evolving Conscious Health Community Cruise is a rare opportunity to play, connect, and reach your next level of conscious evolution. The Award-Winning Norwegian Epic will sail from Miami, Florida to the Eastern Caribbean.
Forty programs from 18 holistic experts will empower participants to take responsibility for their health. Practitioners will learn to help clients more effectively. Up to 25 CEs will be offered to nurses and mental health professionals, and it may be tax-deductible for health-related careers or businesses.
Highlights include Norman Shealy, MD, an original founding father of the holistic health movement offering several topics including, Beyond 100; The Fountain of Life and The Biology of Bliss. Shealy is in vibrant health at age 80. His 29th book is due from Hay House in September.
Former NBC News reporter, Brad Willis, now renowned as Yogi Bhava Ram, healed his broken back and terminal cancer via “deep yoga”. His keynote is entitled, The Guru is You. Enjoy his yoga classes, Music as a Pathway to Inner Awareness, and Deep Yoga; Alchemy of Healing & Transformation.
Neuro-humorist author, Karyn Buxman, RN; will expound on the healing power of humor. Health freedom advocate and integrative physician Robban Sica, MD, on Ten “Incurables” that Heal with Integrative Medicine. David Forbes, MD will present The New Brain Science: Practical Applications for Personal, Professional and Planetary Evolution. And Jean Watson, PhD, R.N., will present her world-renowned Theory of Caring Science.
Nightly entertainment includes Blue Man Group, 2nd City Comedy and Legends in Concert. Call 860-322-0706 or visit MyHolisticCruise.com

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